Okay everybody. Horrible news. I didn't even make it into the tournament. Here is what happened.
I get there on time and get my name crossed off the list. Then I just sit back and wait until they call me. The format of the very first round is the song is on medium, and we ALL have to play the same song. Then, the top 32 players actually go to the tournament bracket and play for real. Well, of course I sit back and basically memorize the song while waiting for my turn. Since it is on medium, everyone is getting 98% or better, but the difference is that not many people know that much about Star Power. That is the blue "juice" that makes the notes worth double the point value that they already were multiplied by anyways. They knew about it, that if you activate it, it gets used up, but they didn't know that if you graphed a time function of Star Power, it would be exponential, not linear. Now let me explain that to you all, if half a bar of star power gives 5 seconds of star power, then a full bar gives 10 second right? WRONG!!!! It gives somewhere near 20 seconds! I knew this and everyone else didn't. It was ridiculous. I memorized the exact placement of where this star power should be deployed in order to get the literal maximum score for the song.
Well, my name is called, and I go up and grab my guitar. My heart is racing a little, my fingers twitching. But we start the song and I hit all the notes in the intro perfect. I am in the zone, and I can tell that I was going to get a 100% on the song. So, the second chorus comes around (when I first need to deploy star power). I yank upwards on the guitar like usual, but unlike usual, the star power doesn't deploy. So I try again, and again and again. Each time more vigorously than the next. By this time I was trying so hard to deploy star power that I had missed a few notes. Then, I tried to use S.P. by hitting the select button. This is usually a failsafe way to deploy, but risky, because you have to take your hand away from the guitar for a split second. NOT EVEN THE FAILSAFE WAY WORKED!!!!!!! I looked behind me and told one of the guys in charge. He told me to "hit the select button, that always works"...I told him that it didn't so he tried hitting it for me, but that didn't work either. By this time I had missed an entire verse of notes...So I did the only thing that I could do in front of 150 people all watching me get screwed over. I did some tricks that good old Jimmy Hendrix taught me. I played behind my head, behind my back, between my legs, and even with my mouth!!!!!! In retrospect, I should have lied on my side and done the spinning side run while playing, o well. A bunch of people were cheering for me and a ton told me they liked the moves I pulled. Then a bunch of other people told me I was robbed...and they're right.
I got about 90,000 less than what I could have gotten, and I was about 50,000 below the cut-off mark. Right after the song, I talked to the head guy in charge and told him that I will patiently be waiting for my re-do, that I wouldn't get mad that the guitar wigged out in the middle of it. This cheeseball of a man told me that I did not get another try. He said, "Tons of people have been getting killer scores on this guitar all night. So sorry." I was LIVID!!!!! Some other words of exchange were given between us, including him saying, "It's just a game, and it's not like there is a million dollar prize" At that point I was ready to pull out my spyderco knife hooked to my pocket and gouge out his eyes. I gave him a, "whatever dude" and took off.
There was a camera guy and interview lady from BYU taping the event. She came up to me and asked me what happened. Then she asked if she could interview me. So I basically told her what I told you, and then I said that I hope there is another, so I could win that tournament and prove that guy that I deserved to rock out in the tournament.
I went straight to someone in my ward that has the game, and I played the song from the tournament...and I got 160,000 points. This was 4,000 better than the next best player who also got 100%. I was so mad. Well, there you have it. At least all of my family knows that I am a champion and that I was robbed my chance at glory.