Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pi Day

Ok everybody. I know you were wondering what I did to celebrate such a wonderful day. I also know that some of you are wondering what Pi day even is. Well as we all should know, pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle divided by it's diameter. This number is normally approximated to 3.14. A few more digits would be 3.14159. So, on March 14th (3.14) at 1:59 p.m. the moment of pi is officially present. Well, BYU had fun little activities going around in the courtyard. So, I entered in the reciting pi contest and I got to the 50th digit. Here it is, you just have to trust me that I am writing this from memory. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.

Also, I joined the pie speed eating contest, and I TOTALLY won. You couldn't use your hands, and I rocked it. I won a shirt from the pie eating contest and a pen from the reciting contest. Well, there are pictures and I will see if I can post them when I have more time. I have to go shower for a date tonight. Love you guys!!!


Jodie said...

Love it! I'm amazed that you can remember so many--I get to the 10th digit and peter out. Good work.

We are definitely fans of Pi day (though don't do much by way of celebration). Adrian's brother Micah (and his wife), though, always make a pie in commemoration. :)

Judy Cozza Photography said...

umm...priorities Joe. Pictures or a date? Hmmmmm. I vote - pictures. You are still amazing. Come home and teach Jacob some of that stuff. (show off!) (wink)

Anonymous said...

JOEY!!! Dude I can't freakin wait till you come home. I get my permit in 11 DAYS!!!!


Kimmie said...

One thing I know our family knows how to do is eat! Good work, Joey, good work...and as for the pi stuff, ya lost me, but nice job anyway =)