Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mission Papers

Well everyone. My mission papers will hopefully be going in tomorrow. (I don't see any reason why my interview with the stake president won't go swimmingly)

So, I guess that means that you can all guess where I am going for my mission. Here are some places I have been thinking about.


I don't know why, so don't ask me.

In 2 weeks I get my wisdom teeth I'll post pictures for you guys.

Peace out.


Jodie said...

Age thinks somewhere in Canada

I think stateside (California or somewhere out here in the midwest)

Clark thinks Kentucky

Love you!

jenerekfamily said...

Jenny - Taiwan
Ryan - Oklahoma
Katie - said "no" to every place I named off except Canada. So I think she's guessing Canada as well.
Derek - will put in his vote later.

Judy Cozza Photography said...

I think Joey will serve in Oregon. Jacob votes for Zimbabwe and Dad feels pretty sure it'll be Los Angeles.

Oh - and we want to see all the nurses that will take care of you when you get your 4 wisdom teeth pulled. Play it up good Joey. I'll miss not having the opportunity to take care of you.

Gina said...

Caleb - Aruba
Gina - Mexico
Judy - Peru
Aaron - Guam

Judy Cozza Photography said...

Joey - when do you get your wisdom teeth out? Get a blessing!