Thursday, January 17, 2008

Guitar Hero Tournament

Ok guys, I'm sorry about not blogging for the past 2 months, but you all know that college life is hectic and I don't really have a lot of time for blogging boring junk. Anyways, this Wednesday there is going to be a guitar hero tournament for BYU!!!! I signed up instantly! I just got the tournament rules...and we are playing on the medium level difficulty for the first round to get seeded/seated. From then on we are playing on hard, unless all 4 contestants playing at once agree on playing on expert. For anyone who reads this blog and doesn't know how good I am at guitar hero, let me make a comparison.

Have you ever heard of Michael Jordan? Tiger Woods? Pele? Dale Earnhart Jr.? Barry Bonds? I am as good at guitar hero, as they are at their sport of choice.

I'm just that good. I can beat ANY song on ANY difficulty with above a 90% note hit completion.

All I am saying, is that if I don't win the tournament, something is wrong.

I'll let you know how it turns out.


Gina said...

I will be waiting on pins and needles until you report back. I HAVE seen you play, and Joey, you are definitely good enough to win.

Jodie said...

OOOhh! I'm so excited to hear what happens! Is there a prize if you win?? Oh, sorry, I mean WHEN you win?

jenerekfamily said...

Yeah, I'll be shocked if you don't at LEAST place in the top 3. You rocked MY world.

Parker Family said...

When the HECK is the contest? Are we having a family fast for you? Are spectators allowed? What is the prize? Will you put clips on youtube? MORE details, can't wait to hear how it goes!!


Judy Cozza Photography said...

JOEY - JOEY - JOEY!!! (repeated over and over) YOU GO SON!! You are my hero!

Anonymous said...

DUDE! This is the coolest post ever!
I will feel really bad for you if they make you play on hard the whole time. You better freakin own everybody! And do you know which one you'll be playing GH 1, 2, or 3. And are you going to play Pro-Face Off or Battle?? Answer my Questions NOW!!


Kimmie said...