Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

So I guess I am going to be translated soon. Just kidding, but seriously, my side of the room is great. I'm not really in the mood to write much, but here are some pictures of the dorm at this moment. My room is clean, everything else is messy-but today is a self-proclaimed clean up day. The kitchen is too messy for me, so I told everyone that we have to do a full super clean today after our extra-credit tutoring session for physics. So I am not going to explain any of the photos, they are all pretty obvious. Except maybe for the stickers that say (follow me to pa pa's...) We went to a shin-dig where they gave away a ton of free junk, so we grabbed 28 of them.


Judy Cozza Photography said...

Wow - love your looks like it is a little on the smelly side.

Is that really a couch on the table? You must call that "balony seating".

Joseph said...

Yes, my room is nice, and we cleaned the kitchen so don't worry. And yes, that is a couch on a table. we either call tiered seating or movie theater style.