As you should all know, I am an activities committee chairman, and as such I am privy to certain perks. Like when the Stake activities committee buys extra hoagies for one of their activities that I helped with. That is right, I am now the proud owner of 65 free hoagies. They are a mixture of italian, turkey and swiss, and ham and american.
Now let us analyze what I got from the deal. I spent about 40 cents worth of gas for transportation, for a filling, main course part of a meal.
Personally, I think I win this face-off. What is the score Jimmy-zero, Joey-two? Man, I am good.
Don't worry. They aren't all for me, and I know they'll be going bad in about 2 days. I got them for my dorm and a dorm next door.
So here are some pictures. If you would notice my short hair! My best buddy Jamie, bought a little kit and cut my hair. This was his first time and he was a little nervous and was too careful. I kept telling him, "push it into my head harder like my mom does" or "you can go faster" you know, that kind of stuff. After the shower I had to get a re-trim, and he had missed a ton. It was very fun.
Also, I was in the ward talent show last night. It wasn't too bad, Jamie and I dedicated this "love song" that we "wrote" to all the girls, and then we proceeded to play heart and soul, him on one hand on the piano and me on the other part of the song on the guitar, then we switched parts. Then we transitioned it into a Jazz jam session. It was cool. I also MC'ed for it too. I was witty as always.
Also, right after the Talent show, me and a bunch of us sprinted to a girl's dorm and barely made it with 2 minutes to spare before the season opener of The Office came on. It was GREAT by the way!!!
Also, Jimmy sent me a very heartfelt e-mail telling me that if I don't work my butt off in school and forget about friends and girls, that he is going to dis-own me. He doesn't think he is getting back into BYU because of his bad grades. But I checked some stuff for him, and he should be fine, as long as he does ridiculously well his next semester.
That is all I can think of right now. Love you guys tons!!!
Well, that is all I can think of right now.