Friday, September 28, 2007

Jimmy is Weak Sauce!

Ok, so does everyone here remember Jimmy's blog from last year where he had 100 dollars worth of otter pops? So let us analyze what he got from the deal. He spent 100 of his own dollars, for a non-filling sugary snack.

As you should all know, I am an activities committee chairman, and as such I am privy to certain perks. Like when the Stake activities committee buys extra hoagies for one of their activities that I helped with. That is right, I am now the proud owner of 65 free hoagies. They are a mixture of italian, turkey and swiss, and ham and american.

Now let us analyze what I got from the deal. I spent about 40 cents worth of gas for transportation, for a filling, main course part of a meal.

Personally, I think I win this face-off. What is the score Jimmy-zero, Joey-two? Man, I am good.

Don't worry. They aren't all for me, and I know they'll be going bad in about 2 days. I got them for my dorm and a dorm next door.

So here are some pictures. If you would notice my short hair! My best buddy Jamie, bought a little kit and cut my hair. This was his first time and he was a little nervous and was too careful. I kept telling him, "push it into my head harder like my mom does" or "you can go faster" you know, that kind of stuff. After the shower I had to get a re-trim, and he had missed a ton. It was very fun.

Also, I was in the ward talent show last night. It wasn't too bad, Jamie and I dedicated this "love song" that we "wrote" to all the girls, and then we proceeded to play heart and soul, him on one hand on the piano and me on the other part of the song on the guitar, then we switched parts. Then we transitioned it into a Jazz jam session. It was cool. I also MC'ed for it too. I was witty as always.

Also, right after the Talent show, me and a bunch of us sprinted to a girl's dorm and barely made it with 2 minutes to spare before the season opener of The Office came on. It was GREAT by the way!!!

Also, Jimmy sent me a very heartfelt e-mail telling me that if I don't work my butt off in school and forget about friends and girls, that he is going to dis-own me. He doesn't think he is getting back into BYU because of his bad grades. But I checked some stuff for him, and he should be fine, as long as he does ridiculously well his next semester.

That is all I can think of right now. Love you guys tons!!!

Well, that is all I can think of right now.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cleanliness is Next to Godliness

So I guess I am going to be translated soon. Just kidding, but seriously, my side of the room is great. I'm not really in the mood to write much, but here are some pictures of the dorm at this moment. My room is clean, everything else is messy-but today is a self-proclaimed clean up day. The kitchen is too messy for me, so I told everyone that we have to do a full super clean today after our extra-credit tutoring session for physics. So I am not going to explain any of the photos, they are all pretty obvious. Except maybe for the stickers that say (follow me to pa pa's...) We went to a shin-dig where they gave away a ton of free junk, so we grabbed 28 of them.

Friday, September 14, 2007


Okay guys, I have got a lot of stuff to say, let's just hope that I remember them all.

First foremost, I know you are all wondering what is happening with Chipotle since I am here in Provo now. I have been in contact with Shelly Whittle and today there was a Grand Opening up near Salt Lake City. So, naturally I ditched my Student Development Class (which is one hour on fridays and i skipped last weeks too...)went an hour and a half before Chipotle opened, wore my Master Burrito Ambassador T-Shirt, joked around with all the executives from Colorado and Arizona that showed up, then bought the first burrito ever made at this location. It was a very spiritual experience. I brought my friend and it was great. So, Shelly was there and she handed me another t-shirt ("How about a Burrito") and 8 free burrito bucks, and then I won a free side of Guac and Chips from spinning the Wheel of Chipotle. Caleb, don't worry, I thinking about sending you and Gina each a free burrito. (Before everyone gets into a frenzy, I do owe Caleb at least one!)

This is the front.

Here is the meal! The first burrito made, and it was delicious.

This is the trash can, filled with free magnets. It is wonderful, and yes, I took about 4 magnets home with me.

The wheel of Chipotle, very cool, people can win a multitude of prizes.

Next story, recently, James and I have been going to girl's dorms that we don't know, knock on the door, ask them their name, and then I play guitar and he sings them a song that we make up on the spot. We have done this to probably 10 dorms so far, and we have a lot to go. We are pretty well known around heritage halls, and girls who get "chosen" to be sung to are pretty darn stoked. So in addition to making girls feel good and have a good laugh, we also can scope out for any really really good looking girls to hang out with. Now, we went and got some dorm the other day and the girls said that they were going to repay us. So the next night, they brought us some cookies. SOOO, naturally, we made cookies for them the next night and wrote a song for them when we handed it to them. (By the way, these girls are all super cute) So the ball is in their court...hopefully the get us back!!!! (Although they did invite us to come over whenever we wanted)

Next story, the second day here I heard a local band playing in front of the Marb on campus. They are extremely good. So, I am going to a couple of their free concerts in the next few weeks. Anyways, I saw the lead singer/guitarist in between classes the other day and was talking to him. It was very cool. So I went to their website and it said that they play at parties and events for free...An Activities Committee Chairman's DREAM! So I e-mailed them and asked them about it and they are totally game for playing at a dance or party that our ward has in the future!!!!! I am so totally stoked, you have no idea!!!!!!!!

I joined a class for intermediate guitar players, and it seems like its going to be awesome!!!

I can't think of anything else to tell you guys...but I'm sure that I am forgetting some stuff. When I remember them, I'll blog it. I love you guys!

Monday, September 03, 2007


Ok girls, you would be SO proud of me today. I had my first clash with a check out lady at the grocery store. I am planning on making a beef stew with potatoes, and the red and baking potatoes are both marked for 49 cents a pound. I figured, "hmm why not try using both in a stew, it probably won't taste bad." So I grab 3 red potatoes and 2 baking potatoes and put them in the same bag. Right? That makes sense. So I get to the check out counter and the lady gives me this annoyed look and takes them out of the bag to weigh them seperatly. and guess what, she charged me 59 cents for the red potatoes!!! I told her straight up, "um...why did you charge me 59 for the red? It's marked for 49 cents right there" and I proceeded to point to the potato aisle.

BOOM!!! I saved myself like 25 cents!!!! I know you are all so proud of me!

On the topic of cooking for myself, I really enjoy the freedom of adding what I want and how much of it. Like doubling the meat on my stew recipe!

Also, I have been converted to cheese curds. Not that bad-nice and salty.


Okay, so last night was the first night I pulled out the guitar for the girls. All I can say is that I'm so grateful for the Lord giving me this talent! I played 2 of the song that I've written for a group of 9 girls...and ALL of them were professing their love for me-not really, but they were all over me. I told them that I'd trade them a copy of my songs on cd for a dinner. So pretty much I can save up some of my food money for a while! Haha.

Then later 3 girls were hanging out with me and James (my cool dormmate-see previous post) I was telling them about how I can improvise on guitar very well and then they wanted me to write each of them a instead I asked James if he could just make up words on the spot and he thought he could. So I just jammed on the guitar while James made up some funny love song of each girl in front of them. It was so great. Afterwards I was playing them some of the stuff I've written that doesn't have words (I have a TON of material with no words) and James went and a got a notepad and totally started writing lyrics for a love song. It was pretty neat how quickly he just jotted down his ideas. Some of the lines are just GOLDEN! So the girls were all there helping us find melodies and harmonies and helping with the lyrics. So by this time it was like 12:30 in the morning and pretty soon we had about 15 people-guys and girls-all sitting around us outside on the grass listening to us make this song. It was the coolest experience I've ever had with the guitar. So James can also play piano really well, like Jazz Improv Piano, and I play Jazz Improv Guitar-so tonight all of us are packing into the small basement room with the piano to jam away and impress all the girls.

Love you guys.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Alrighty guys, here are some pictures of my roommates and then the group of girls that I have primarily been hanging out with. Ok, so here are my roommates.

So it goes Joey, Dallin, Jin, Michael, Ben and James in front.

They are all really cool. Dallin and James are definetly easier to hang out with and are a bit more cool...i guess i would say. Jin and I share rooms, and he's nice. He also plays guitar, so that's fun. Ben likes cooking and is at this very moment making all of us spaghetti and meatballs. (The sauce looks and smells amazing!)

Here are the girls. They are (in order form left to right again) Some guy I don't know, some girls I don't know, Renae, Catherine, Hillary, Stephanie and Danielle. Catherine is the funniest girl alive, and the coolest.

So yesterday I went to the BYU vs. U of A game. (Did you see me on tv? I was 6 rows up from the north endzone and the tv crewman had us cheer for the camera for a while.) So while I was there I had my sunglasses. Can you tell?

Until next time.