Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Being Used By Technology

I read an article entitled "Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change", which gives an interesting opinion on how we need to be conscientious about how we use technologies, and what side-effects technology can have on society. While I didn't agree with all 5 points that were made, I did agree with his conclusion, that "we need to proceed with our eyes wide open so that we many use technology rather than be used by it." If I watch Youtube and surf the web aimlessly for mindless entertainment, am I really using technology, or am I being used? I feel guilty after wasting time consuming media in that fashion when I could have used remarkable technologies that I have for the benefit of someone else. I could have shared an inspiring message on facebook, tweeted a link to an inspirational talk, or reached out to a friend or family member.

1 comment:

Wesley H. said...

I really agree with this idea. I've really come to see that I have two different experiences when using technology. Either I am using it to do something productive or I am using it to simply kill time. There really is no middle ground. I'll openly admit I need to be better at making sure my time is productive...