Saturday, May 12, 2007

I'm a Real Thespian Now.

Well, I went to the Thespian banquet at our school because I was in the two school plays this year, and I was inducted into the National Thespian Society. Go Joey. But even better, was the fact that I've never acted before that, and I won Best Male Actor in a Major Role for my role as Magnus Muldoun (the guy in the wheelchair). I was pretty happy about that because there are 3 guys who have been acting for at least the 4 years of high school, and I beat them! Also, afterwards we went to China 2000 Super Buffet (Olive Garden was a 2 1/2 hours wait). There were these cooked baby octopi and gosh darn-it if one of the girls actually put it on her plate. Well, her and her friends were all daring eachother to eat it, and the closest they got was one trying to cut a leg off to eat it. So I reached across the table, forked the whole thing and sat down with it just jiggling on my fork. I asked a passing waiter if it tasted good, and he said it was I popped the whole darn thing in my mouth. I knew it was going to be rubbery, but man, I think it took about 3 minutes for me to finish it off. When I was about to swallow my first piece of it, a stringy chunk was connected to the rest of the octopus, so it brought the rest of it with it and I gagged. (But I kept it all controlled, nothing came out and nothing came out of my stomach) everyone was freaking out, giving me napkins to spit it out into and telling me earnestly to go to the bathroom when I throw up and this kind of stuff. To their dismay, I ate it all.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing.


Kimmie said...

I can't believe you ate that either! What a dare devil! Before Kellie and Brent left for West Virginia, we had sushi with them and Brent tried to get me to eat some stringy thing...I think it was an octopus (sp?) but I'm not sure and the dang thing had EYES!!!!!!!!!!!! The eyes were on it! Well...I'm sorry but I refuse to eat anything that can look at me. Stringly and slimy thing with eyes...ugh! So hats off to you Joey, you rock.

Gina said...

Congrats about the acting award. I always thought you were a big enough ham to be good at acting. I'm not surprised a bit that you won but it is fun to unsuspectingly beat out other drama geeks!

Parker Family said...

Joey winning award for his awesomeness: check.

Jana's gag reflex working: check.

jamie said...

Joe, I bet the gagging was just one of your acting tricks. Way to be dramatic on stage - AND in a restaurant! I bet everyone really thought you were gagging.

jenerekfamily said...

Evidently fear is not a factor for you, Joey.

Anonymous said...

go Joey, go Joey,
you're my hero, you're my hero,
go Joey, go Joey


Jodie said...

More posts! More posts! More posts!
