Friday, February 09, 2007


WOOOHOOOO!!! Talk about wonderful news for the MBA of 99th and McDowell. So, I went to Chipotle Thursday night with 2 of my buddies. I purposely wore my MBA T-Shirt to try and HOPEFULLY get a free burrito. When I walk in I see a man who I know is high up in the rankings of Chipotle employeeship. When in line he asks me, "Which store are you over?" I told him, "THIS one"


It was almost instant.

He was so happy to see me. He shook my hand like we were old pals. He proceeded to tell me that he is Stewart Myers, Manager. WOO HOO!!! Talk about awesomeness. He is the coolest guy I have ever met. So I go back to my friends and give one of them a burrito buck and Stewart, seeing it tells me, "Hey man, I got you guys covered!" YAY! So Stewart hooked me up with 3 free burritos in one sitting. It was so wonderful.


I go back alone just cause I love the place. I see a younger man who I also know is high up in the ranking. We have talked briefly before and he has given me a free burrito or two just cause he's cool with me. We say hi and I tell him I finally met Stewart. He (Brian) then tells me that Stewart told him all about me. So I get my burrito for free and I start talking a little more with him. He doesn't know much about what I do, so I tell him. He asked if I get paid and I told him mostly with just a few free burritos or whatever. (Bless his heart!) He told me that he is TOTALLY fine and happy with giving me a free burrito "whenever I come".

No Joke, he actually said that.

So the moral of the story is, if you are visiting the family down here, DO NOT go to Chipotle without me, or else you'll have to pay.


Judy Cozza Photography said...

Hey Joey - Dad wants to know if you can make reservations there for your big "graduation dinner"! Yahoo!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to move back. Is there a need for an ambassador's assistant?

jenerekfamily said...

Now THAT would be awesome.

Joe - you're going to gain 100 pounds but I'm proud of you. You could become a homeless man and you'd STILL be fed for life. Smart man.

jenerekfamily said...

Now THAT would be awesome.

Joe - you're going to gain 100 pounds but I'm proud of you. You could become a homeless man and you'd STILL be fed for life. Smart man.

Parker Family said...

I love Chipotle.

Even if I have to pay for it--which I won't thanks to the most awesome MBA. ever.

This could start a fight for your affections, Joe. I think I'm your favorite sister....



jamie said...

That's funny. Joe already told me that I am his favorite sister.

And Joe - you've really got a good thing going.

Joseph said...

Well, I believe I have bought about 15-20 at the old Chipotle in the space of 1 year. Then I have bought 10 At the new Chipotle (but they where basically all in a row and that's how they got to know me so well) Then I have gotten about 15 Free burritos so far. After 10 to 15 more burritos I'll be making profit with every bite.

ryan said...
