Funny you should ask mom. I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday afternoon. After about 1 hour from getting home the top right part of my jaw starting to explode with pain. It felt like the gauze started throwing out spikes and burning on fire at the same time. For the first time in more than 2 years, I was crying from pain. So as fast as I could, I got upstairs to my hometeachers (who also dropped me off, picked me up, and got my prescriptions) and they gave me a wonderful blessing of comfort. Probably 2 minutes afterwards, the extreme pain went away. It was such a great experience to have the priesthood work for me that way.
Well, that night I finally got to sleep at 1:30, and woke up from pain at 4:00. I went to the bathroom and I had a giant drool mark of blood running down my cheek. I really should have taken a picture, but I forgot. I decided to put gauze in before I went back to sleep. I woke up again at 6:00, and changed my gauze. Before I could get back to my bed, I started to feel woozy and my head started spinning really bad. I had to quickly get on the floor and lay down. Probably 2 minutes later, the feeling left and I got to my bed and went to sleep. This morning I when I looked in the mirror, I found that my swelling had gotten much worse. So I took a picture of that. (Don't worry). When I am not in so much pain and when I have more time, I will post the pictures.
Joe--make sure you don't have dry sockets (google it if you don't know) or some kind of an infection! With your drugs you shouldn't be in that such pain. Seriously!
Joey that freakin suck!! But to make everything better...NEW EPISODE OF THE OFFICE ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dang. Where were all the girls when you needed to be mothered? (ice packs - medicine - cool cloth on your forehead!) I was a little worried about you having that done so far away from home. So sorry Joe. Stay on top of that pain like Jodie said. Gee. You should have waited until you got home. Reply and tell us how you are feeling today. (Monday) I was really happy about your blessing. Great example Joseph. Thanks.
Hey Jacob. Here's a question to you since you do not have email. How did you send that message above? Repent.
Hey Joe, Jodie's right, stay on top of the pain. My dentist worried that might happened to me, thank goodness it didn't. But the way she described dry sockets to me...they're sorry Joey! I hope everything is fine and that's nothing you need to worry about. LOVE YOU!
Remember that one time when I got my wisdom teeth pulled in Mexico. And then on the drive home I started really crying hard and mom thought it was because I was in so much pain, but really it was because I swallowed one of the huge pieces of bloody gauze. Yeah. That was fun.
Hope you're healing well.
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