Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Cathedral and the Bazaar

In 1997, Eric Raymond wrote an essay titled, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar". In this essay, he speaks of two different types of software development models, the cathedral model where source code is available upon release of each new version, and the bazaar model where the code is developed over the internet in public view. I can see that there are pros and cons to each, but the bazaar model makes a lot of sense to me. With tools like Github and Bitbucket, it is easy to fix or enhance a public repository of code, and then ask the owners if they'd like to incorporate the changes through a pull request. I am partial towards the bazaar method because I have been a part of this process a few times, and it is fulfilling to contribute my knowledge and skills towards software that many people use. Raymond also makes a good point that, "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow." Since all the code is in public view, anyone can look it over, check for bugs, and perform quality assurance. These are the types of things that make the bazaar model awesome in my eyes.

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