Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Social Media to Share the Gospel

I don't normally "produce" social media (I'm only writing this blog because it is required to graduate from BYU in the CS major). Sure, I'll consume, but I don't post my feelings on Facebook, I don't share pictures of my food on Instagram, and I don't re-tweet funny quotes from celebrities on Twitter. It's not really who I am. Unfortunately for me, Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have recently been inviting members of the church to use social media as a medium to share testimonies, strengthen one another, and invite others to come unto Christ. Evidence of this is seen through full-time missionaries being allowed to use Facebook to help them share the gospel. I fully believe that I should be using social media in order to benefit others, but I just haven't figured out what the right way for me to do that is. Heck, maybe righting this blog is the first step.

1 comment:

M said...

Yeah, I closed out my Facebook account a little over a year ago with the same thinking: that contributing to social media isn't doing me any good, it's only benefitting others by causing them to think they know me when they don't. Needless to say, it's still stagnant, but I've started opening up on Twitter and Google+ from the same pressures as you mentioned.