Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Um...I Rock...and Rachel is going to kill me!

Okay, so today, I went to a concert for the local band that I love/support. The venue was a nice studio called studio 600. The show was supposed to start at 7:15, but something wasn't finished inside yet. So the band and I walked into the back (that is right, I go free with the band anywhere) and guess what we saw!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disney had rented out the studio and they were either having try-outs or rehearsals for HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL THREE!!! You ever heard of Zack Efron? Yeah, he was there sporting a hoodie. Vanessa Anne Hudgens? Yeah, just chillin in the back like nothing was up. Banners for the Wild Cats were everywhere. Then, as if there was some sort of crazy riot outside, a van pulled right up to the back doorway and a bunch of the teens got in and left. (There wasn't a soul outside the studio...) So, Rachel is going to kill me for not getting any of their autographs...but it didn't look likely anyways, there were people, almost like guards surrounding them. So, that is my fun story of the day. Love you guys.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Videos of my dives!!

Please ignore the horrible camera work (we can't all be like Judy)
In diving there is a system to naming dives, so I will give you the official name, then I'll give you the breakdown of what it really is.

This one is a 5312D. Also known as a gainer flip with a twist. I face the water and do a backflip (as opposed to my back facing the water) and then twist a little. Not a very flattering shot of my larger body...but hey, I can't have everything in life.

This one is a 5113D. I face the water, do a front-flip with a half twist and then continue flipping into a back dive. Essentially I do 1.5 flips and 0.5 twists.

Here is a beautiful 204C. This is my awesome double back-flip. Enjoy.

HERE IS THE GRAND FINALE! MY SECOND EVER ATTEMPT AT A TRIPLE BACKFLIP!!!!! This one is called 206C. It takes me forever to catch my breath and work up the nerve, so go ahead and skip to about 16 seconds into the video.

I also know that you want to see me in the prime of my wisdom teeth, so here is one picture to abate your hunger.

Springboard Diving

Okay, so yesterday was the last official day of diving class. (I say official because I think I am going to today's class even though it isn't my normal scheduled class).

Because it was the last day, our instructor allowed us to bring video cameras, so what I am saying is that once my friend brings his camera over, I will try and find a way for you all to see me kick butt!

Also, because it was the last day, everyone dared me to try a triple backflip off of the 3 meter diving board. So, me being the attention hog that I am, totally tried it. I ALMOST did it. I landed a little bit too early and smashed me feet, legs, arms, chest and head pretty hard. It was awesome. After 10 minutes of resting up, I went back up and tried it again. I landed pretty much the same, but it was so cool!

I'll get these videos available as soon as possible!

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Mission Call + More

Okay, for anyone who hasn't heard I am going to San Antonio Texas Spanish speaking for my mission. I leave on June 18th.

Also, (and just as cool I think) in my weight training class I hit my goal for the bench press. My goal was 325 lbs. You heard it right, I lifted three hundred and twenty-five pounds. I was almost more excited about that than my mission call, almost.

Also, in my springboard diving class I got the highest scores for 2 of my dives. My double back-flip scored a 7.5, and then my 1.5 front-flip half-twist got a 7. A score of 5 was full credit so I got some awesome extra credit. Only 2 other people got a score of 7 on one of their dives, so I totally rock.

Also, I took my aerobic dance class final. I talked to two girls and they said the test took them 45 minutes and that they both had gotten 78's. I went into the test, and 11 minutes later, I was finished. I scored a 96%.

Well, I love you guys, peace.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

My Wisdom Teeth

Funny you should ask mom. I got my wisdom teeth pulled yesterday afternoon. After about 1 hour from getting home the top right part of my jaw starting to explode with pain. It felt like the gauze started throwing out spikes and burning on fire at the same time. For the first time in more than 2 years, I was crying from pain. So as fast as I could, I got upstairs to my hometeachers (who also dropped me off, picked me up, and got my prescriptions) and they gave me a wonderful blessing of comfort. Probably 2 minutes afterwards, the extreme pain went away. It was such a great experience to have the priesthood work for me that way.

Well, that night I finally got to sleep at 1:30, and woke up from pain at 4:00. I went to the bathroom and I had a giant drool mark of blood running down my cheek. I really should have taken a picture, but I forgot. I decided to put gauze in before I went back to sleep. I woke up again at 6:00, and changed my gauze. Before I could get back to my bed, I started to feel woozy and my head started spinning really bad. I had to quickly get on the floor and lay down. Probably 2 minutes later, the feeling left and I got to my bed and went to sleep. This morning I when I looked in the mirror, I found that my swelling had gotten much worse. So I took a picture of that. (Don't worry). When I am not in so much pain and when I have more time, I will post the pictures.